Supplementary examinations

Students with supplementary examinations need to complete them until the end of the second semester in the master programme at the latest. Normally the supplementary examinations are as follows:

EC 241 consists of three lectures, each worth 5 ECTS. Those are offered in English in winter semester and in German in summer semester. PS and PR are offered each semester and there is always one group in English.

Due to a change in the BA and EC curricula there are adaptions needed for Students who have received the admission letter before June 2023 and have started with October 2023 or haven't completed the supplementary examinations yet.

Instead of 9 ECTS STEOP Pflichtmodul fachspezifische Einführung KSA and 6 ECTS VOs aus 2.2. Pflichtmodul: Kernthemen und/oder 2.3. Pflichtmodul: Zentrale Forschungsfelder und/oder 2.4. Pflichtmodul: Theoriengeschichte der Anthropologie lt. Bachelorcurriclum Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, §5 you complete EC 241. Please contact in this case

PS Reading Anthropological Texts (PS Zentrale Texte) is now called BM3 PS Reading Anthropological Texts und PS Qualitative Research Methods (Qualitative Forschungsmethoden) has to be replaced with BM8 PR Ethnographic Field School.